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In a perfect world we could live stress free; but, unfortunately today most teenagers and young adults are experiencing extreme amounts of stress.

The effects of stress are, well, stressful themselves. Unfortunately this creates an endless cycle that teens and young adults aren’t yet ready to handle.


Mayo Clinic reports symptoms including:

  • Upset stomach 

  • Headaches

  • Exhaustion and difficulty sleeping 

  • Irritability and heightened reactions

  • Restlessness and difficulty focusing

  • Weakened immune system

  • Increased risk of anxiety disorder and depression

We know that trying to juggle college with the demands of family, work, and life can get a little crazy. The information below showcases some stress management strategies for college students. Take a deep breath and enjoy.

  • Intro
    A little time planning can go a long way and give you much more success than just forwarding a mail or a link. Think through these topics and be sure to do your research.
  • Educate yourself
    Make sure you have a good understanding of what is happening with the drug landscape in America with the introduction of fentanyl so you are able to competently and confidently speak to the issues. Some good resources: The Fentapill Problem: A Summary Parent Resources
  • Personal Story
    Are you a bereaved parent yourself or have a close friend or family member who is? Personal stories have huge impact. Think about if and how you want to tell that story as part of this effort in a way that makes the impact you are looking for and respects your child and family. Decide what aspects of your story you are not willing to share or are not important to the main message.
  • Local News
    Locate one or more relatively recent news stories from your own community or those nearby (google ‘fentanyl’ and your city or state). The more current and specific the story is about age, Fentapills, social media, etc., the better. Save these web links.
  • Data
    Find key data points and information about fentanyl/fentapills from reputable places that support the idea that this is needed in your community. If you can access local data and information through your local health department or law enforcement, that is ideal. Also be on the lookout for specific data points in local news articles. is a good place for national numbers. Here are some links that can help you find national and state insights:
  • Existing curriculum
    If your school district publishes their learning standards and/or curriculum, find out what is already included on this topic. If you have a teacher contact that teaches health curriculum, they can help you find this. It can be helpful if you know the specific learning standard/target you are trying to influence (i.e.: “Educate students on the social and health impacts of misuse of controlled substances”). If you can get your hands on classroom content, it is helpful to know if it specifically covers fake pills that can easily bought on social media so you know if there is a gap in the existing curriculum being taught in your schools.

If you get too stressed


Everybody needs help from time to time. If you’re experiencing depression or anxiety, if you're unable to sleep or enjoy life, or if you're turning to alcohol or drugs to cope with stress, it's time to ask for help. Reach out to:

  • Your University's Mental health services

  • A doctor or therapist

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255

  • The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP

  • The American institute for stress

It’s common and too easy to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress when our world is constantly filled with reminders of what is out there.  


These unhealthy responses include but aren’t limited to:

  • Excessive drinking or substance abuse

  • Overeating or eating too little

  • Self Harm 

  • Anger/violence

  • Strained relationships and friendships


Some of these unhealthy responses may have long lasting, or deadly results. Taking pills that are not prescribed to you is not an option, one pill can kill.

Instead, if we learn and practice ways to constantly lower our stress levels and focus our energy into what truly matters to us, we can get ahead of the temptation to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. 


Harnessing the skills to live a life in which you can manage stress and embrace life's highs and lows is crucial.  


Remember - Each person is unique and taking the time to try many different things and figure out what combination of skills works for you is worth doing.  

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